A mixed sex album of rocking sides from 1956 with the five guys mixing it with five chicks! A diehard lover of authentic Rock'n'Roll music, Ding Dong (real name Alain Pourquier) was France's leading Rock'n'Roll dee-jay in the early Eighties when he produced an acclaimed series of 10" albums for Charly Records compiled from recordings made for Sam Phillips' legendary Sun label. Ding Dong then launched into another series of 12" albums for Charly, following the same formula that had been so successful in the 10" series.
1. Wild Woman - Wade &am …
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A mixed sex album of rocking sides from 1956 with the five guys mixing it with five chicks! A diehard lover of authentic Rock'n'Roll music, Ding Dong (real name Alain Pourquier) was France's leading Rock'n'Roll dee-jay in the early Eighties when he produced an acclaimed series of 10" albums for Charly Records compiled from recordings made for Sam Phillips' legendary Sun label. Ding Dong then launched into another series of 12" albums for Charly, following the same formula that had been so successful in the 10" series.
1. Wild Woman - Wade & Dick
2. Bop Pills - Macy "Skip" Skipper
3. Fire Engine Red - Jimmy Williams
4. Sonny Boy - Jimmy Williams
5. Watch That Stuff - Macy "Skip" Skipper
6. Sentimental Fool - Barbary Pittman
7. Tootsie - Carl Mcvoy
8. Slow Rock And Roll - Macy "Skip" Skippers
9. I Won't Be Rockin' Tonight - Jean Chapel
10. Red Velvet - The Kirby Sister
11. Welcome To The Club - Jean Chapel
12. Rock 'N' Roll Cinnamon Tree - Maggie Sue Wimberly
13. Call Me Anything But Call Me - Maggie Sue Wimberly
14. Voice Of A Fool - Barbara Pitman
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